Thursday, December 31, 2009

Biddeford Vacancies

The Journal Tribune reports an apparent increase in abandoned and vacant rental properties in Biddeford.

Great Maine Forest Initiative

The Press Herald reports on a proposed State-Federal partnership to "use state and national resources to conserve vast tracts of forestland, maintaining them as natural habitat and for recreation and sustainable forestry."

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Freeport Market Expansion

The Times Record reports that the Bow Street market is proposing an expansion that would include making the site mixed use.

Jordan's Meat Project Zoning Reversion

The Press Herald reports that the development group that is selling the former Jordan's Meats site in Portland has asked the city's Planning Board to repeal the contract zoning that would have allowed hotel and condominium development on the site. If the request is approved the site would revert to downtown business zone.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Volume up Value Down

The Bangor Daily News breaks down the Northern half of a reported 49% increase in home sales volume for November 2009 against 2008, coupled with a 5% drop in median sales price.

Meanwhile, national sales of new homes dropped 11% in the past month.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Convent Conversion

The Press Herald has a story on a developer's purchase of the Good Shepherd Sisters' convent in Saco, with plans to demolish the building and subdivide the property for 14 house lots.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Knightsville Rising

The Press Herald's story on the Knightsville neighborhood in South Portland suggests that the opening of the new Casco Bay Bridge killed commercial activity there, but doesn't suggest what's driving the reported rebirth.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Wind Power Planning

MPBN reports on the obvious need for some strategic planning around the siting of wind power generation. In the same way that transportation corridors can catalyze other development- electricity generation is likely to do the same.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Saco CVS Proposal Divides Community

The Press Herald reports on a debate in Saco over a proposed CVS. The lesson here is that zoning and land use ordinances should be accompanied by build-out models.

Alternate Parking

The Press Herald reports on a proposal to allow developers to pay a fee in lieu of creating parking spaces. The fees would fund transportation improvements. Reader comments are critical, and there is a lot of call for more and cheaper parking- giving weight to the observation that free parking is like free beer, there's never enough.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Main Street Competes

The Press Herald has a story on Bath's downtown. Local business opposition saved its historic structures from urban renewal, attention to design details have invested in improved on what was preserved, and economic development efforts have focused on growing local businesses rather than attracting national chains and franchises.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Riverdam Revived?

The Journal Tribune reports that the renovation of one of the former Riverdam mill complex buildings in Biddeford may be back on track for a construction start.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Portland's Housing Preservation Ordinance

The Portland Press Herald ran a story about Portland's ordinance that charges property owners $57,800 per unit to fund the replacement of housing units taken out of service. The article raises more questions than it answers and buried in the comments are a few good ones.

Habitat Builds Green

The Portland Press Herald has a story about Habitat for Humanity's green subdivision in North Deering- 1300 - 1700 sf LEED Gold Certified homes.

Friday, December 4, 2009

$73M Arena and Civic Center in Bangor

The Bangor Daily News reports that the Bangor is pursuing a $73 million arena and civic center project.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Falmouth School Redevelopment Proposals

The Forecaster reports on proposals to redevelop the Plummer-Motz and Lunt schools site in Falmouth for retirement living. Maine is the oldest state- demographically- and this is one indication of what that means.

Home Sales Volume Up, Prices Down

Mainebiz has a brief report.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Town Answer in Goose Rocks Beach Litigation

The litigation initiated by landowners in Kennebunkport seeking to limit public access to Goose Rocks Beach progresses. The town's answer can be found here.

Concerns Over Highland Plantation Wind Farm

MPBN reports on early opposition to a proposed wind farm in Highland Plantation in Somerset County.

Opposition to Colonel Holman Wind Project

The Rumford Falls Times reports on a meeting of people opposed to a proposed wind farm on Colonel Holman Mountain ridge in Dixfield and Canton.

Black Mountaion Wind Plan in Doubt

The Rumford Falls Times reports that developers of a site on Black Mountain say it may be too windy.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

TNC Supports LURC's Plum Creek Approval

MPBN reports that the Nature Conservancy is supporting LURC's approval of Plum Creek's Moosehead Lake area development plan.

Falmouth Affordable Housing on Hold

Falmouth's Town Council is putting off plans to pursue affordable housing. The Forecaster reports.

Jordan's Meats Plant Under Contract

The Forecaster reports that the former Jordan's Meats plant in Portland's Eastern Waterfront is under contract.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Steston Trust Mill Sells for $210,000

The Press Herald has a brief report.

AMC and TNC Acquire 45,000 Acres

MPBN reports that the acquisitions include an easement at the headwaters of the West Branch of the Pleasant River, and lands in the Moose River Preserve.

Friday, November 6, 2009

North Woods Task Force Initiatve

The Bangor Daily News reports on the Great Maine Forest Initiative which it says could become a new model of public and private partnerships aimed at strengthening the forestry industry while protecting natural resources.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Prison Property Park and Plan

Village Soup reports on site work and planning for the former Thomaston prison site.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Expanding Katahdin Forest

Mainetoday has run an AP report on a congressional bill that would expand Katahdin Forest by more than 20,000 acres.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Economic Impacts of Land Use

Mainbiz reports that both Pike Industries and Idexx Laboratories are each using economic impact studies to support their respective positions in the battle over Pike's effort to expand quarrying operations in Westbrook.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Rockport TIF

Village Soup reports that Rockport is considering a downtown TIF.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Oxford Casino Plan Revived

The Rumford Falls Times reports that a new group is reviving the old plan to build a casino and resort in Oxford.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Climate Change Forecast

The Portland Press Herald and MPBN report on findings by climate scientists that sea levels in coastal Maine are rising faster than predicted earlier.

Another Party Joins Appeal

The Bangor Daily News has reported that the Natural Resources Council of Maine has joined the appeal.

Appeal of LURC's Plum Creek Ruling

RESTORE: The North Woods and The Forest Ecology Network have appealed LURC's ruling in the Plum Creek development plan. MPBN reports.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Saco Bay Rising

The Portland Press Herald reports on a planning group looking at rising sea levels.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Pike modifies Westbrook plans

MPBN reports that Pike Construction has modified its plans for expanding its quarry operations in Westbrook, but opponents are not persuaded and the dispute may end up in litigation.

Kibby Mountain Goes Online

Mainebiz reports that phase one is online with 22 turbines and phase two scheduled to go online next fall.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Stop & Shop Dropped

The Forecaster reports on Stop & Shop's decision to abandon plans for a 20 acre mixed-use development at Morrill's Corner in Portland.

Brunswick TIF Reauthorization

Brunswick revises TIF to fund Bath Road project. The Forecaster reports.

Crescent Beach Lease Expiring

The Forecaster reports that the Maine Department of Conservation's 50-year lease on 100 acres of land will expire in April 2010 unless a new lease can be negotiated.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Saco Bay plans for rising sea levels

The Journal Tribune reports.

BNAS land transfer at reduced cost

MPBN reports reports on the provision included in the Defense Authorization Bill that would allow the Department of Defense to convey BNAS land to the redevelopment authority at below fair market value, with the possibility of a no cost transfer.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Bar Harbor Planning

Bar Harbor neighborhood planning meetings covered in Villiage Soup.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

LURC Comprehensive Land Use Plan

LURC commissioners held a public hearing in Augusta, taking sworn testimony on proposed changes to the commission's Comprehensive Land Use Plan. The Kennebec Journal reports.

Trees and trains.

Sometimes transportation infrastructure drives land use and sometimes land use drives transportation. Maine DOT is seeking public comment on rail. The Press Herald reports.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Alfred votes no on town land purhase

The Journal Tribune reports that Alfred voters rejected a proposal to purchase 53 acres for municipal buildings and recreation.

Brunswick area homebuyer subsidies

The Times Record reports that the State of Maine is weighing in with $10million to boost demand for housing stock vacated by the closure of Brunswick Naval Air Station.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Law Court Zoning Decision

The Law Court has upheld a decision allowing the MMA to use a house located in a residential zone as the residence for the MMA president. The BDN reports here.

LURC seeks public ideas

The BDN reports that LURC is seeking public ideas on development.