Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Falmouth School Redevelopment Proposals

The Forecaster reports on proposals to redevelop the Plummer-Motz and Lunt schools site in Falmouth for retirement living. Maine is the oldest state- demographically- and this is one indication of what that means.

Home Sales Volume Up, Prices Down

Mainebiz has a brief report.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Town Answer in Goose Rocks Beach Litigation

The litigation initiated by landowners in Kennebunkport seeking to limit public access to Goose Rocks Beach progresses. The town's answer can be found here.

Concerns Over Highland Plantation Wind Farm

MPBN reports on early opposition to a proposed wind farm in Highland Plantation in Somerset County.

Opposition to Colonel Holman Wind Project

The Rumford Falls Times reports on a meeting of people opposed to a proposed wind farm on Colonel Holman Mountain ridge in Dixfield and Canton.

Black Mountaion Wind Plan in Doubt

The Rumford Falls Times reports that developers of a site on Black Mountain say it may be too windy.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

TNC Supports LURC's Plum Creek Approval

MPBN reports that the Nature Conservancy is supporting LURC's approval of Plum Creek's Moosehead Lake area development plan.

Falmouth Affordable Housing on Hold

Falmouth's Town Council is putting off plans to pursue affordable housing. The Forecaster reports.

Jordan's Meats Plant Under Contract

The Forecaster reports that the former Jordan's Meats plant in Portland's Eastern Waterfront is under contract.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Steston Trust Mill Sells for $210,000

The Press Herald has a brief report.

AMC and TNC Acquire 45,000 Acres

MPBN reports that the acquisitions include an easement at the headwaters of the West Branch of the Pleasant River, and lands in the Moose River Preserve.

Friday, November 6, 2009

North Woods Task Force Initiatve

The Bangor Daily News reports on the Great Maine Forest Initiative which it says could become a new model of public and private partnerships aimed at strengthening the forestry industry while protecting natural resources.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Prison Property Park and Plan

Village Soup reports on site work and planning for the former Thomaston prison site.